Pippins Preschool

Pippins is the preschool branch of our setting, which welcomes children from 2 years 6 months until school age.

Pippins preschool is open between 9am and 3pm with the day being split into a morning and afternoon session; children are welcome to attend all day. Lunch is at 12 noon.

The 3 key principles at Pippins, which also fall in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage are:

1. That learning is play-based rather than classroom-based

Play is a powerful method of learning for young children.

How many adults have you heard say they ‘learn by doing’ or they ‘switch off’ if they are not interested?

At Pippins, we strongly believe children should be learning through play.

2. That learning should be based on the individual child

All children are different, both in their likes and stages of development and should be planned for accordingly.

For instance if we knew a child loved dinosaurs and needed support in counting to ten, we would blend these ideas into a game.

Learning should be FUN!

3. Children’s development is a partnership between us and you...

...with you being the primary carer and educator of your child.

We aim to work together with parents, to ensure each child enjoys, and achieves highly during their time with us.

Our goal is for children to develop their full potential in a happy, safe environment, where they feel cherished for who they are.